The village pond lies at the centre of Long Itchington and forms the main focal point of the green. The pond is the largest village pond in Warwickshire and is actually the remains of an ancient clay pit known locally as ‘The Pit’.
For most visitors to the village the pond is the first significant landmark they see. With its attractive ring of mature Lime trees and profusion of seasonal wild plants, it makes for a popular place to stop and watch the ducks and other wildlife that live on or around the pond.
To ensure it remains in good health and provides pleasure and enjoyment for residents and visitors alike, the pond has to be looked after. It is the role of the parish wildlife team to provide the expertise to ensure the well being of the ponds natural environment. Following a management plan devised with the assistance of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and the Freshwater habitats Trust, the wildlife team under supervision of the Parish council have the following aims:
To improve the general health of the pond with emphasis upon wildlife.
To prevent any further deterioration in condition of pond habitats.
To continue development a plan suitable for the medium to long term.
The management plan is flexible to ensure any unforeseen changes can be accommodated and also to allow comments and requests from members of the parish to be incorporated.
An annual ‘tidy up day’ takes place in the autumn to undertake work in accordance with the management plan where jobs identified during the year are dealt with and tasks as part of the plan are completed.
It has been with the above in mind that John Davies has joined the wildlife team as Pond Warden. With the experience and knowledge of the pond he has acquired over many years, he is well placed to watch over the health of the pond.
If anyone wishes to make a comment or enquire about any aspect of the pond we would be more than happy to hear from you. See our Contacts page for more information.